
The End

so the title is kinda sad, but it is true. this is the end of this blog. we will be leaving it as it is now so people can read up to now. you see, we are forbidden to poast any longer. we are very sorry that we haven't posted for a while and wish that we could keep this blog. i'm writing this very sincerly. this school year will be ending in about 29 days (monday-friday only, not counting weekends) and then we will begin our 2nd year at this school. we were told that from year 2 on we wil not be able to tell anyone about what goes on in our school or home life. the 2nd year and on we learn very confidential things and we and our families are moved to a special base were we will be protected. so we can't tell anyone anything. this basically means "no more blog". so Lottie and i sadly are ending this blog and Lottie and i both say "we will miss posting and getting your comments". well before i get to emotional i guess i should say.......


PS- on happier news, Travis and i are still together and so are Lottie and Rory. we also got a new kid from Ireland, David, who was put in our clan and we all grew to love him (he has some really good ideas for pranks). Lottie and i were allowed to join the prank team, SPAWN, after my amazing prank that got us so many bank notes for "saving" the kid (read father down if you don't get it so you can get the whole story).

"ta-ta" (i would say "ta-ta for now" but i can't cause this is forever)


Sooooooooooo Sorry

I am sooo sorry that I forgot to tell you about the fact that we would be studying rigorously (with a few lapses that may or may not have included well thought out pranks) for our mid term exams. I really am sorry! But we're done with exams now (for the time being, at least) and will be posting again, regularly (I hope). But there will be final exams too... Oh well, come what may. Let's focus on the present, shall we? Well, we are now back in action (as you can clearly see from this post) and I wanted to say hello... again. Well, you already know that Em usually doesn't post on weekends (which may or may not be because of one person not a million miles from here named Traves). So this time it's no different. I am so glad that we finally get to relax after that rigorous studying and those difficult and terrifying exams. We all are. Ummmm, it sounds like someone poured water on my innocent and unsuspecting *cough, guilty and deserving, cough cough* sister. So, I have to go. ttyl 8)


Good Day

Yo. This is Rory. S'up, Dawg? Wow, I'm really bad at that whole gangsta thingy. So, the prank. Well, it was a masterpiece *laughs like an evil genius*. Btw, I didn't set poor Jer Bear on fire. He's too amazingly awesome, not to mention that he is good for pranks and the fact that the girls would kill me if I burned him. Well, Brazilian Scare consisted of Em setting fire to a pineapple on one of the tours and Jerry knocking it off the tree and using his amazing super rakoon powers-and opposable thumbs-to slice it up, and we ate roast pineapple! But only after letting him chuck some gooey, warm fruit at all the teachers and tourguides and letting some of the tree get on fire. Oh, yah, and Em made a show of saving a kid from the fire that had started on his hat and was awarded some bank notes for our clan. Of course, the funnest part was watching everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off while screaming at the top of their voices. Well, gotta split. See ya. Dawg.


Sorry I haven't posted since we got back. You see, on the Brazil slide show Rory and I showed Baldy McBaldald, we had a pic of him without his wig, looking horrified. It was a joke, of course (I came up with this one). Well, we got detention for yesterday and the day before so we couldn't post. I am still on crutches, but only for the rest of this week. According to the matron, I'm healing up fine. Portley did give us that prompt, but I was going to the bathroom (when you gotta go, you gotta go). It was only a five minute jot-a-thought and I wasn't back in time. The prompt was 'words' and Rory's was amzing (he wrote each word of it in a different language, so we could only understand the one english word and a couple of easy other ones). Well, in maths I tripped over my crutch trying to push my chair in with it and fell over my chair, landing sitting up in a seat at the table to my right. Miraculously, I didn't get hurt. Much. Everyone was laughing, so I bowed (a hard feat with crutches, I assure you). This got Lawrence even more mad at me and he was all snappy for the whole class (the lunatic was muttering under his breath how I had riled everyone up... which I did, but that's not the point. I mean, he was talking to himself, for Pete's sake! Isn't that the first sign of insanity?) Well, Rory wants to write about the prank now that he finally has a chance. Bye.



we had a writing prompt in English today and i wantd 2 post it so here it is:

I first saw him on an ordinary Monday. Tall, muscular, green eyes, and light brown hair just over his eyes. The new kid. The new, FEARED, kid. He was silent and never tried to make friends with anyone. Sarah, Danielle, Claire, Shelby, Kara, Anna, their attempts were met with only silence. Who was I to think that I could get even one word out of him? I still went forward. I’m a loner, I thought, why should he speak to me of all people? But yet, something urged me on. I sat across from him and didn’t speak. Just sitting there in silence. The whole lunch period was spent sitting in silence, but it wasn’t awkward or loud, it was perfect and normal. Something got me to sit across from him the next day and the next and the next. Everyday we sat across from each other in silence. At first everyone stared at me, the loner, and him, the new kid, sitting across from each other in a comfortable silence, but then they stopped staring and went back to ignoring me and began ignoring him too. Silence became my lunch period and amazingly I enjoyed and looked forward to it. I didn’t even know his name, but I couldn’t ask him. Something seemed to draw me to him and I couldn’t pull away. I would study his face while I was eating and wonder what he was thinking. One day he looked at me and said
“What?”That was it, just a simple “What?” It implied so many things, but I could seem to answer. It seemed like his deep voice was echoing through my head, What?, What?, What?… It was like he wondered why I was staring at him. I found that I didn’t have an answer and probably never would. Lunch ended that day in silence and continued in that silence everyday for the next year. Neither of us speaking and that one word spoken echoing between us....


Back From Brazil!!!

we r back from Brazil. it was sooooo much fun!!!!!! so we did do the prank, but Rory called dibs on telling wat we did so i have to keep it a secret for now. we just got back from Brazil an hour ago and Lottie and Rory are talking to Prof. Lawrence about it (they were volunteered to tell him about it and show a picture slideshow i kinda feel bad-ish-) Lottie should be posting a little later, but we r experiencing major jet lag. it's a good thing that the infirmiry has this coffee stuf that makes u really hypr and takes away jet lag quicker than normal. well Travis is currently sleeping, i think i will join him....

well, not in his bed or anything.... u know, like i will go sleep in my own bed and he will be in his, i'm just following his example.... ya, so i will go sleep now......



It is absolutely amazing here! I am totally in awe of everything. Visions aren't half as good as this. I have come here before, but mental travel doesn't let you communicate with the people and you're all by yourself. The people here are soooo ice, and Rory is chatting up a storm. I love the feel of the sun on my back, and the smells are amazing. All of you people would love it here. It is now officially one of my favorite places in the world. And, best of all, Prof. Lawrence had to stay back because he "Doesn't like the bugs" (but really it's because he gets burnt really easily so he didn't want to embarass himself- at least, that is the most reasonable of our wacky theories). This prank is going to be way cool. Maybe not as cool as the first one ever, the one on Lawrence, but hilarious all the same. I got to hold a monkey today! It was so adorable. One of the navy kids who can talk to animals said that it really liked me. Although, late last night, we were having a water ballon fight in the back yard of the hotel (everyone knows that you can't be in a hot place without having a water baloon fight). I tripped over a chair that nobody noticed and tore my MCL, a ligament in my knee. Now I'm on crutches for the rest of the trip! My theory is that Lorie made a last minute decision to move the chair in front of me, so I didn't see it in my mind or in front of me. I am sooo bummed out! Well, I have to go now- we're leaving the internet cafe. Bye.


so the Prof. let us go into an online cafe and do emails to our families and such, so i'm posting since Lottie is emailing our parents. Brazil is amazing. we are pretty much allowed to rome by our selves and Travis and i go off on our own most of the time, but Lottie and Rory always join us and we hang together. we love to listen to the Brazilian legends and when they get scary and i shudder Travis wraps his arm around me and pulls me towards him. i lean my head on his shoulder and let him comfort me. Rory and Lottie do the same thing so they can't make fun of us. the guys are planning another prank and they have dubbed it Brazilian Scare. i'm involved, but sworn to secrecy so i can't tell u but Lottie will when we do it. i'll only say that it invovles my ability to control fire and Jerry the racoon. it is insanely funny!! i'm lovin Brazil and i wish we could stay forever, but of course we can't cause good things never last. i'm getting a wicked tan and Travis thinks it looks hot. Lottie is jealous. she inheirited the irish from our mom's side of the family so she can't tan. she just freckles but Rory keeps telling her that he'll take freckles over a tan any day. that makes her happy. her and Rory are always so happy. well Travis wants to get some prank planning in so i've gotta go. i think that Lottie will be posting more later so she'll update you more on the Brazil topic.

I LOVE BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i guess that's it. see ya!!!! ttfn!!!!!!!!



Sorry about yesterdays super short post. You see, we went to see a new movie out in the powers theater (all the movies you can see there are for people with powers only- the special effects are obviously done by techno power people). The movie was about this tribe in Brazil that was having its land taken over and it was kinda wierd, but cool at the same time. Anyway, it was a surprise that our history Prof. had been hinting at to start off our South America unit. And the best news is (drum roll, please) we get to go to Brazil! For... well, more than a week. I'm not really shure how long we'll be staying there. And Em was in detention today for tripping Little Miss Perfect in the coridors- go Em! But now she can't post tonight *holds up 'Awwww' sighn*(now say it with me- "awwww") The only bad part about the trip- no computers! I feel horrible- more than a week without posting! But its neccissary. So, I have to start packing now... and help Ruthie get her head out from being stuck under her bed (again). So TTFAW (ta ta for a while).


Hullo, y'all. I really gotta go quick- don't wanna get caught. Today, we had a surprise field trip so we couldn't post. We'll tell ya tomorrow. Cheerio.


Sorry 'bout the fact that I haven't posted in so long. I had to keep writing my story (the next chapter's due tomorrow) and I hit a total wall! I couldn't think of anything. Eventually I found a way around this galling mental barrier, but it's still kinda slow going. But at least it's going. Well, Em will be out of the infirmary and all fixed up by tomorrow (thank all that is good for our matron's healing powers). Well, Rory and the boys are holding off with the pranks until Em is well enough to be able to enjoy them. As obnoxious and mischevious as they are, they can be really sweet sometimes. Well, it's so boring without the constant pranks that that's pretty much all that's been hapnin' round here. Toodloo!



We finally convinced Em to go to the infirmary... but only after she fainted! Stubborn idiot. Guess what- she has mono! Stupid idiot, I told her not to kiss Travis. The jerk allowed her to snog him too, so he's also to blame. He should be ashemed of himself. Well, there goes her dreams of posting her first chapter- which is due tomorrow (I know, a weekend- but we always new Portley was totally bonkers). But she gets to be excused- come to think of it, that might be why she snogged Travis while he still had it and waited til now to fess up- she wanted to be sick to guy herself more time! Oh, well, I'll leave you be and think up more conspiracy theories- it's fun!

New Word

Okay, since my word was so long, I got yet another word. The word is doors. So, here is my chapter. Hope you like it (concrit is much appreciated- concrit=constructive criticism, in case you didn't know).

Newfound Knowledge:

For a long time now, I have known that most things are much easier to get into than to get out of. I suppose I first discovered this at two years old. I was at my grandmother’s house, hiding in the bathroom. We were playing hide-and-seek, with my grandmother looking for my sister Grace and me. Suddenly, I had the most brilliant idea. No one would be able to find me if I locked the door! I quickly got up and twisted the lock. It was a simple maneuver, just grab the lock and twist it to the side; just one little flick of the wrist, and you are totally cut off from the rest of the world. The perfect place to hide is where no one can reach you. I soon found that I didn’t so much like the remoteness of that locked door any longer. I didn’t really like that seclusion, that feeling of having no connection to the world; of drifting, all alone.
Of course, my grandmother would come and knock on the door eventually. I would not give up my great hiding spot just yet. I’d find some other way to occupy myself, to make my time of loneliness seem shorter and more fun. I plugged the sink and filled it with lukewarm water, putting in my little family of rubber ducks. I swam them around in the white sink, splashing drops of water on the green tile floor and flowery wall paper. The Mommy duck was taking care of the three babies while the Daddy was away at work. The little ducklings always had someone to play with, and they were sometimes naughty and splashed around in the water, slopping it over the edges of the makeshift pond.
Eventually, ducks became boring. I drained the water from the sink and looked at the mess I had made. Maybe I should stay in the locked bathroom for a little while longer, so that I would have time to tidy up before my grandmother came in. I retrieved the paper towels from the cupboard and tried to rip three from the roll. I dropped it, and it tumbled onto the floor, rolling along until it bumped into the bath tub. There were about twelve sheets rolled out, and as I tried to reel it back in, it stayed where it was and more squares came loose. I tried pulling it harder, but it just ripped off at the end. On its way, each paper towel had soaked up some of the water sitting on the floor. I had wasted more than twenty paper towels! Grandmother would be disappointed in me.
I burst into tears, running to the door. I turned the lock, but it would not budge; it was stuck tight, and I was trapped. I cried harder, rattling the doorknob, pushing against the wood with my shoulder, and kicking it, but nothing worked. Still I yelled out to the unresponsive door, even though my throat was getting raw and my toes and knuckles were beginning to hurt from striking the hard wood repeatedly. Suddenly, I heard hurrying footsteps on the stairway and my grandmothers voice; “Just push the lock in and then twist it, Claira, it’s broken!” she called over my hysteria. I tried it, and, low and behold, it worked! That old bathroom with the broken doorknob was so hard to get out of, until you knew the trick, I realized. My grandma came rushing in and hugged me until my sobs subsided. I knew that I could always trust my grandmother to comfort me and to support me, no matter what. I have found over the years that it is very simple to get out of a situation, as long as you know the trick. The hard part is finding what that trick might be.



Why is Em so much smarter thatn me? You know, dyslexic people are smart too. You all are prejudiced gits if you say that I'm not as smart because of it. I just think differently... in a more abstract way. Meaning I'm more creative than you (ha, whose jealous now?). Well, I just wanted to give that to you to let it fester in your brain until you change your vote to me. Or Rory, of course. Well, I gotta finish my first chapter. I'll post it by tomorrow (hopefully). It will be amazing (read as HORRIBLY HORRID). Adios, amigos (or enemies, if any of you just so happen to hate me- you never know).


i havn't been feeling well lately and today i noticed some bumps on my throaght. Lottie and Rory think that it is mono and are trying to convince me to go to the infirmiry. i won't go though. i bet i'll be fine by tomorrow.
well, my full name is Emma-Rose Josabell Isabella Marie M------ (Lottie won't let me say our last name)
i visited Travis today he looks so sad laying there so sick. He should be better in a week though that is one good thought.
i hate to admit it, but i love Rory as a friend too (sorta like a brother)
well i must go work on my first chapter also, i will have it posted by tomorrow (hopefully)


Yo Peeps

My word is metamorphosis. I won't post mine on here... story, that is... because I simply haven't the time. And of course I friend-love Em, she is amazing... well, most of the time she is. Anyway, I wish she would put my favorite tune on the playlist, Dare You to Move *hint, hint*. Best song ever. Well, I must get going on my story, because the first chapter is due in two days and I haven't even started. Oh, I have to tell you about our latest prank first! We put stink pellets in all the profs. morning coffee and dumped farting gass into the soup and bread for lunch. The red clan firsties, or first years, are the only ones who knew and ate the shepherd's pie that we snuck from the kitchens yesterday after dinner. Reheated, of course. And the fart gas lasts for fourty-eight hours, so every dorm except the red firsties' will smell rotten by morning. It was a great laugh. This time, the card said Reminding everyone that, sometimes, we just have to let it all loose, to reach total relaxation. So pass the message of true relaxation, as well as the gas.

Well, I shoved Em just in time to make her spell our last name wrong (though that is how it's pronounced). So now you can't look us up and stalk us! I guess Em wants to be followed by some creepy stalker bloke. Or girl, as I'm not sexist in the slightest. Actually, my full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Anne Melanie M------ (you still don't get to know the spelling of our last name). I know Em is embarased by her full name, so I'll let her tell you her third and fourth names. If she wants to, that is. Our parents wanted to torture us, the way I see it. I mean, three middle names??!! Like, what the [censored] is that about???!!!!!!!!! Anyway, excuse my language (again). Btw, Em, can you put Bella's Lullaby on playlist? I love that song to death. Well, Rory wants to post. Really, Em doesn't really hate Rory. It's just playful, and they really love each other (just as friends, though, 'cause otherwise I'd beat both into two shiny stains on the floor. Well, I'll let Rory have his turn.



LOTTIE!!!!!! you rotten, big, fat, evil, monterous, bloody (&%$$%$%!!!!!!!!!!!! you told MY MIDDLE NAME!!!!!! ON THIS BLOG!!!!! YOU $&^%$#% IDIOT!!!!!

sorry for the language that's wat happens when u hang with Rory too much. but she GAVE MY MIDDLE NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also i already straightened it out with Lottie, i didn't switch the vote someone else did.i showed her wat i meant and she forgave me (i never lie so why should she have NOT belived me?) now back to my obsessing over her giving out personal information. Travis is getting better, but still no visitors. i will get to see him tomorrow. did you know you get mono from sharing saliva? well that's really bad for me cause when i'm visiting Travis tomorrow i'm getting tested for it seeing as i kiss him all of the time. he got mono cause Laurie replaced his apple with one that this kid that had mono's. i'm gonna KILL her!!!!!!!!

well i can easily get you back, Lottie's middle name is Elizabeth and our last name is *owwwww!!!!!!!! "Shut up Em!!!!!!!!" Lottie's hand covers my mouth. i scream and bite it. "oww!! Em what was that for!!!!* Marley *"You IDIOT!!!!!!!!!" scream door opens and Prof heads pops in "What is going on girls?" "Nothing" door closes* phew that was close. i have to go bye! (Lottie has an indoor football game in 5 min and i'm gonna watch her kick but!!!


Emma-Rose Josabell M----- (no, you don't get to know our last name), you are a dirty rotten filthy no-good caniving horrid BIG FAT CHEATER!!!!!!! You took your vote off of Travis and put it on yourself????!!!!!! How dirty rotten filthy no-good caniving and horrid of you!!!!!! What is wrong with you?????!!!!!!!! Shame on you! Tsk, tsk. And he's your boyfriend too! Btw, I went back to Porter after classes today and asked for a new word. Now I have "Mamalia Carnivora Felidae Panthera Tigris" I was just like "What the bloody [censored] does that mean?! I can't even pronounce it, let alone spell it. I thought it was supposed to be a word not a bloody paragraph! (excuse my rotten language, please) Well, aparently, it is the scientific name for tiger, so I can just write tiger instead. This will be fun. Not. But I'll post it anyway. And make it creative *waggles eyebrows*. Maybe this will be fun after all...*laughes evilly (for dramatic effect, of course).


so in English we have this HUGE project to do. i think i'm gonna get writer's cramp. we have to write a story that's 15 pages long (as in front and back is one page). we were each given a different word - mine is tree - and we have to create a story about it. i'm gonna die!!! i'll post my work one here and you can give me constructive criticism on it (if you want to). it is due Febuary 25. Lottie's word is twin. how easy!!! it isn't even fair!!!!!!!! i mean what can you write about a tree??
Lottie says it isn't that bad, but seriuosly. does Prof. Portley (the English prof.) expect me to write 15 pages about a tree??
also Pprof. Lawrence is giving us this HUGE test in a week about what we have learned in his class so far. since it is advanced maths we will be put in a regular maths class if we fail. COME ON!!!!!! it is SOOOO UNFAIR!!!!!!
well i have to go - homework to do!!!! (and i got a really good book from the library)

P.S.- just in case you were wondering, Travis is sick with mono. he is currently allowed no visitors and isn't allowed out of the infirmiry.

P.P.S.- what Lottie mention in the post before this - i enjoy time with her too even though we are twin sisters. sometimes i feel like she is my best friend.



I found a way to get more than one song to play! There is a whole playlist at the bottom of the screen now so you can pick from loads of cool songs (it is sooo cool to hear American music- music is a big part of all cultures). Well, I guess I'll post again later, 'cause nothing interesting has happened yet (way too early). Goodbye.


About the Music...

Well, at first it was cool, but when the song started playing over and over again it got to be kinda annoying (feel free to turn off the speakers...) About Em's new blog, she has always been embarrassed to tell anyone that I am her sister at all, let alone that we have to share a lot of things... including this laptop. OK, I guess this post isn't all about the music, but I needed a title (like I always do, 'cause one title can never cover everything). I actually like spending time with Em because we always make up cool plans for what to do on the weekends and what to buy on the shopping trips, even though half of it is more expensive than a double date at the Moonlit Terrace (the most expensive restarount in the all-powers town that we shop in). Probable because half of it is a double date at the Moonlit Terrace... Well, I know how Em feels, sitting on her bed reading while I type a rather long post... (cough, cough, Em) *"What" she says innocently. Well, maybe because you were doing the same to me. So don't whine.*


IT'S AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok so i am totally bored and Travis is in detention cause he was caught trying to set up a new prank (which includes me that's why i know about it but i can't tell you till it has been acomplished) so he is cleaning the infirmiry with Rory. i sorta kinda feel bad for them but it is so hard to feel bad for Rory but i'm trying so hard to be nice to him (my new year's resolution) so i am insanly bored.
fyi, i wasn't paying attention so i thought that Lottie was coming back tomorrow not yesterday. i'm actually for the first time in my entire exsistance glad that Lottie is around cause i have someone to hang with until Travis is done detention. Lottie admits that she is bored too and she knows that she has nothing else to do except hang with me cause Rory's got detention too.
well, i am still bored. Lottie is laying on her bed reading a book she got from mom and dad. she refuses to do anything with me until i'm done posting about how bored i am, but i can't help it...
dot dot dots are really fun!!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! i'm starting to like something that Lottie likes!!!!!!
run!!!!!!!!! hide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will never give in!!!!!!!!!!!! *background: Em SHUT UP!!!!!!! I'M READING!!!!!!!!!!!!*
ugh, Lottie can be soooo boring...
well i gotta go!!!!!!

P.S.- i'll be making my own blog soon. i will post it on here when i am done. i can't believe it my OWN blog!!!! i will still post on this one too don't worry...



I believe that Em is having problems with her brain, because the but brought us back tonight. One day after she came back. Well, that being said, I have absolutely no idea why she is winning the smartest person contest. It is totally beyond me (because she has been acting remarkably stupid lately- hope its not contageous). Well, I am already up after lights out (we had to go to sleep as soon as we got back, because the bus had some difficulties...). Rory's right, the dot dot dots are fun! Well, gotta get to sleep. See ya.


The New Year!!!!! 2009!!!!!!

wow, i'm really amazed. it is 2009 already. i feel pretty much the same. ya i'm back at school. out vacation is over, well mine is. Travis and i came back early to be together. Lottie is still at home, that means i have our dorm to myself!!!!! it's soo exciting and Travis can come over whenever. Prof. Lawrence went home for the holidays and wont be coming back until Tuesday. i'm soo happy!!!!!! well, 4 days until school starts and 3 days until Lottie comes back. well, i just wanted to say...
WELCOME 2009!!!!!!!!