

so the Prof. let us go into an online cafe and do emails to our families and such, so i'm posting since Lottie is emailing our parents. Brazil is amazing. we are pretty much allowed to rome by our selves and Travis and i go off on our own most of the time, but Lottie and Rory always join us and we hang together. we love to listen to the Brazilian legends and when they get scary and i shudder Travis wraps his arm around me and pulls me towards him. i lean my head on his shoulder and let him comfort me. Rory and Lottie do the same thing so they can't make fun of us. the guys are planning another prank and they have dubbed it Brazilian Scare. i'm involved, but sworn to secrecy so i can't tell u but Lottie will when we do it. i'll only say that it invovles my ability to control fire and Jerry the racoon. it is insanely funny!! i'm lovin Brazil and i wish we could stay forever, but of course we can't cause good things never last. i'm getting a wicked tan and Travis thinks it looks hot. Lottie is jealous. she inheirited the irish from our mom's side of the family so she can't tan. she just freckles but Rory keeps telling her that he'll take freckles over a tan any day. that makes her happy. her and Rory are always so happy. well Travis wants to get some prank planning in so i've gotta go. i think that Lottie will be posting more later so she'll update you more on the Brazil topic.

I LOVE BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i guess that's it. see ya!!!! ttfn!!!!!!!!


Aurora said...

Please tell me your not going to light the Raccoon on fire!! D=!! dat would be horrible.. poor raccoon.. Have fun in Brazil!!

Aurora :3