
La La La

Hello. I"m siiiiiinging in the snow, just siiiinging in the snow, what a gloreous feeling, I... can't find a word that goes into my song that rhymes with "snow". Darn it, it was such a good song. Anyway, it's still snowing- after three and a half feet! Oh, I can just imagine the huge snowball fight we'll have after this. We can have secret underground tunnels and underground dungeons... it'll be so fun! I love snowball fights. Oh, yeah, this is Rory... if you haven't already noticed from the color and all of the dot-dot-dots... I love snow wars. ULTIMATE fun times, mates. Well, I gotta go... Lottie is calling me over to take her side in her and Em's fight about wether or not odd, colorful, and mismatched socks are better used for anger management- Em- or a conversation starter- Lottie... don't ask. You definitely DO NOT want to know.

P.S. We had a True or False test in History yesterday, and in the middle, Em stood up and yelled "Lies, all lies" at the top of her lungs. When asked, she feined confusion.

P.P.S. Everyone knows that I am definitely the smartest... so vote for me!


Timothy Reid said...

LoL I say its perfect for people in anger managemnt to start a convo XD