
Hola (numero tres)

Numero tres means number three, for those who don't know espanol (spanish). By the way, espanol has a squiggly accent on the n. Anywho (wow, I think Lottie is rubbing off on me...) I am just stopping by (aka breaking in) in my quest to cause as much mayhem as possible (and annoy Em... she hates it when I post). Lottie really is rubbing off, because I hardly ever use parentheses. Although, I do like to use the dot dot dot... it's fun. Today, Gordon, one of the grey guys (the name stuck. Aaah, I am turning into Lottie; I'm using alliteration!) was harassing Catherine at her assigned seat in maths, but Lawrence would not let her change her seat. We now have maths with the grey clan, since this is a new trimester. I hate assigned seats. We still have to do our ingenious prank on Lawrence... it will be our back-to-school treat for after break. And yes, it does involve a rubber duck, several joke products, and Jerry the racoon. By the way, we (the boys and I) are trying to think of a name for our pranking possy (more alliteration! The horror!). So some ideas would be welcome. We can make it a contest. Whoever wins gets to choose the next subject to our juvenile ways. I will post the winner and the name that we chose, and then you can post who you think we should prank next.
-So long, Rory


Timothy Reid said...

LoL I read that and the title for you I thought of going through my head was:

The Justice Pranksters.

You know cause of Prof Lawerance . . . your bringing justice to him cause of his unfairness . . . OH FORGET IT. I was never good at thinking of names. XD

Werewolves RULE~!~!~!